Welcome. . .to my Pad!  My name is "Hilti Gun" a.k.a "Hilti."  I, as was my predecessor, Brock, am a fully certified assistance dog, having been trained by East Coast Assistance Dog (ECAD), by the at-risk youth trainers at Green Chimneys in Brewster, New York and Children's Village (Greenburgh Eleven UFSD) in Dobbs Ferry, New York. I was one of the last generations of a long legacy assistance dogs to be trained at these two facilities before ECAD reorganized to train out of youth female prisons in Connecticut. I began my training at the very young age of eight weeks, and was paired with Marc during ,Team Training in August of 2014. I beat out two of my littermates, Auggie and Gen. (But don't worry, Gen was paired with another client during the same Team Training, and Auggie became a facility dog, helping many in need.) If you haven't figured it out, my littermates and I were named after construction tools; myself being named after the Hilti Corporation, known for their pneumatic nail guns, as well as other trade tools and equipment. (You can help name future generations of assistance dogs. ECAD will notify those on their mailing list with the arrival of each new litter.)
    I am honored to take over the reins Brock. My job ranges from personal tasks to aiding with balance and mobility on steps without railings, navigating tricky and or slippery terrain, to carrying and picking things up off the ground. If and when Marc returns to the stage and or screen (I know Marc misses acting), I hope to get my time in the spotlight, as did Brock. For now, I am quite happy to help Marc to achieve his goals personally and professionally, including his great love of travel and exploration. From the start, our adventures together began early on. As I find the time, I will post photographs of our journey. Feel free to check out. . . .
Our Journey in Photos.

Questions about access with a service animal?  Our Service Dog Team Certification

Brock's Resume

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